According to Wikipedia Management consulting is the practice of helping companies to improve their performance. Companies may draw upon the services of management consultants for a number of reasons, including gaining external advice and access to consultants’ specialized expertise.
SNS consultants have had exposure to, and relationships with numerous companies, in various industries sectors in Cambodia that enable us aware of industry “best practices” and the specific nature of situations under consideration that enable us to adopt and or transferring such practices from one company to another according it’s suitability for individual’s business purposes.
Our consultant team counsel, advice and functional expertise in specialized areas – Organizational Restructuring Assistant, Centralized Administration Setup, Management System Development for single owned and or the Group of Company, Strategy development, or operational improvement, HRM and Training services. We bring our own proprietary tools, methodologies & technique or frameworks to guide the identification of problems, and to serve as the basis for recommendations with a view to more effective or efficient ways for performing works and tasks.
Today there is very fast development of technologies mainly such digital transformation, information technology, and AI is the latest one which is replacing human jobs more and more in very quick phase – But not every company could have capabilities to adopt such technologies, in Cambodia it’s looked farther away from these, however every company shall have owned core technology, management system, process and people among other stuffs as the backbone for their business and sustainable growth.
What does our consultant do?
SNS consultant frequently works in team and with the Business Leader to assess the company and identify problems, gather information, and implement solutions. We are focused on helping leadership of company improve overall performance and operations – help businesses make strategic decisions that directly impact the entire company. They evaluate issues that the client is facing and help them develop action plans for improvement, solving their problems, building standard & process to leverage operation, and the results to improve performance.
There is a huge variety of consulting firms, ranging from well-known big firms and among them PwC and KPMG they came to Cambodia for more than a decade ago, but for the local companies it seemed little well know, they were also entered into this service (Management Consulting), so does SNS – we do step in and willing to help all companies, specifically local Companies in various INDUSTRIES through providing BEST PRACTICES through local ways to align with INTERNATION STANDARD such as series of ISO standards. We believe our involvement, local companies can also have opportunities to strengthen themselves to be strong competitors with international companies in Cambodia, this not mean that we are limited our services to only local companies, we love to support all types of companies of all nationalities and as well as international companies when they do need us.
Our experts team will help you by providing the necessary guidance, advice and also helping you with the implementation of the advice.
You can’t connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backwards. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future. You have to trust in something – your gut, destiny, life, karma, whatever. This approach has never let me down, and it has made all the difference in my life.
Steve Jobs
To get Game-Changing results, start focusing on Game-Changing thoughts.
Robin Sharma
If it is not documented, it doesn’t exist … As long information is retained in someone’s head, it is vulnerable to loss.
Louis Fried
If you can’t describe what you are doing as a process, you don’t know what you’re doing.
Edwards Deming
Successful organizations make habits of things others don’t like to do, or don’t find time to do.
Don House