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Consulting Services, SNS Consulting, SNS Cambodia


There were a lot of questions on this topic; and people wanted to learn more about Documenting System; but we raised some key questions that matter the most to the business and also within the scope of our consulting services:

Q.1 What is documentation explain?

A. Documentation is any communicable material that is used to describe, explain or instruct regarding some attributes of an object, system or procedure, such as its parts, assembly, installation, maintenance and use. … Documentation is often distributed via websites, software products, and other online applications.

Q.2 What are the elements of documents?

A. These elements, collectively called the format, include titles, abstracts, introductions and the like. Writers use formats to establish the order of content in the document’s front matter, body, and end matter.

Q.3 What is the main purpose of documentation?

A. The purpose of documentation is to: Describe the use, operation, maintenance, or design of software or hardware through the use of manuals, listings, diagrams, and other hard- or soft-copy written and graphic materials.

Q.4 What are the advantages of documentation?

A. Here are a few key benefits you can share to illustrate why documentation should be a priority moving forward.

  • A single source of truth saves time and energy. …
  • Documentation is essential to quality and process control. …
  • Documentation cuts down duplicative work. …
  • It makes hiring and onboarding so much easier.
Q.5 What are the four purposes behind documentation?

A. Although there are many explicit purposes for creating a scientific or technical document, there are four general categories:

  • to provide information,
  • to give instructions,
  • to persuade the reader,
  • and to enact (or prohibit) something.
Q.6 What is a business documentation?

A. Business documents can be formally defined as “Business Documents means all books, records, files, business records and plans, reports, correspondence, documentation in respect of agreements, and other financial and customer data, whether any such item is in the paper, electronic or other formats, used or held by the …

Q.7 Why is documentation important in a business?

A. The importance of documentation in business operations and compliance. Documentation instils confidence within your business, among potential investors and your clients. Documentation tells the story of a business; its origins, intent and the journey it’s taking to achieve its ambitions.

Q.8 What is the most important document of a company?

A. The most important document in the constitution of a company is the Memorandum of Association of the company. The Articles of Association is the second most important document that needs to be registered by any company for its incorporation, registration and subsequent operation.

Q.9 What is the purpose of a business document?

A. A business uses documents and reports to share information, data and numbers to improve operations, management and sales, among other reasons. The term “business documents” usually refers to several types of documents and reports, each of which has different sections and content.

Q.10 What is included in business process documentation?

A. But really business process documentation includes any and all documents that go to support a process. That might mean policies, checklists, tutorials, forms or even links to other applications. Process documentation is a complete description of how to execute a given process.

Q.11 What is the value in documenting a business process?

A. The goal of process documentation is similar to that of business process management. It improves business performance and operational agility by optimizing core processes. Documenting processes during execution enables employees to learn by doing, gleaning insight from both mistakes and successes to refine processes.

Q.12 Why do we need document?


  • Legal requirements
  • Reference
  • Identification (work process, product, workplace…)
  • Guidance
  • Records – Historical Archive, Evidence,
  • Traceability, Analysis…
  • Training material

SNS team could help you in documentation for your Business Management System which is compactable with the Documenting System for QMS. Please get in touch with us!